McEnany: Trump was 'energized' after rally despite low turnout

Yes its is true that President Trump did de escalate tensions between those two rogue ruthless regimes and some others which is a very good thing, he did deliver that way and that is why I supported him to get elected because the other side candidate did really scared the shit out of me and countless of others with their rhetorics, today the situation looks different, there are no rumors of war like four years ago, today we have other important issue that like four years ago need its own person of the time to direct attention to todays issues, in my view VP Joe Biden would have done this job better than President Trump would have, this is very clear now, it is about picking the best person to lead the way for all people in this country and beyond, four years ago the best person for the job was President Trump, today VP Biden is the way to go, to heal the country to best of his ability, President Trump has many flaws, too many in fact for me to bring it all up here, its about being honest, the winning team is team America not team Dems or team Reps but team America, I want Team Murica to win and in Team America is composed of many colors and shades and it need a leader that is a bit kinder a bit nicer a bit President Trump seems to lack, judging by his own words and actions.
