Muhammad Ali Gives His Stance On The Vietnam War | The Dick Cavett Show

Keep in mind that this was in the 70s, this is how they saw the world back then, today we know more, we know like the Japanese were not that nice after all, we know what they did in Manchuria and in other parts of southeast Asia, perhaps Muhammad Ali was not fully aware of all facts, and back in the 70s he was trying to find himself in mist of all that was going around back then, so he got snached up by extreme balck Muslim cults who worship another man, their supreme leader back then, there are trues and some misconceptions in his arguments yet still those arguments came from a place of being hurt for centuries so it has to be listened to, Dick was trying to make another point that what is things was the other way around, the black men were superior in terms of technology and would that made them enslave the whites, I think they would, I think the Devil will dot discriminate between different human races, we know every single culture let alone race have massive flaws, like Dave mentioned about Haiti and those Caribbean island and their people, when I was in Martinique a French Caribbean island, they had two weeks of this festival where they dressed like demons got drunk and banged their drums all night long for two weeks, for a Believer seeing men dress in skirts short ones like prostitutes in red with makeup with lizard looking contact lenses on all bizarre in my view, and this is their now "modern" culture, imagine the same people two three hundred years ago and before that doing the same thing but this time sacrificing humans in these festivals or rituals back then, you wouldnt want to hand over any technology to them to rule the world or anything outside their own isolated islands, and this was part of the African cultures, everything was not Kunta Kinte and the peaceful village he came from, many slaves were, many of they were actually believers in the One God, so there is good and bad in everything, what is important is to recognize where this Evil comes from, is not exclusively in one race, its all over the place, thats why the first of any race who see kinship in all races has come the longest way and I think Muhammad Ali of later years did come to this conclusion too, back then he was a fighter, and as a fighter you have to think as a fighter, and a fighter never thinks straight it has a goal to knock something down, in real life you build things, otherwise you are screwed :)
