National Debate Over Defunding The Police | The View

Hi ladies ! 😊

It is always good to further explain a misunderstanding in more clear words, but the term I have an issue with is, why choose inflammatory terminologies that is sure to confuse people out there, potential allies, why do that, why save yourself all that trouble, attention that could be directed somewhere else needed, thats what I have an issue with, here I have a message for the US Armed Forces Pentagon all of them, if you want to keep your military strong, you need satisfied citizens on your side, make sure all factions of society are good , if the bones are sick the body has nothing to stand on, so of course domestic police should not look like the military, I mean c mon, its organic natural it shouldnt be like that, the police is the police and the armed forces fighting wars they dress different everyone knows that, it could sound tempting to put some of that military hardware in good use but not in the streets, it just sends a wrong signal to anyone with sense of mind out there, I will just end with this, it is election times, use at least more sensible terminologies, I am trying to win an election over here lol
