Police Officer Has Breakdown at McDonald's

I dont mean to sound like a prick or anything but the first question on my mind is, is this police officer to be trusted with a gun when he is in an unstable state of mind, will she be as a professional win a tense situation, I have my doubts, and also I am ok with some police officers leaving the force in a protest right now after everything thing going around, perhaps these cops are better off leaving their jobs because it seems like they are unsure how they would have acted in some of these tense situations, I also think they are better off going to do something else when they are unsure if its ok to shoot a man in their backs or not, they are doing themselves and the public a big favor because we dont need unstable dirty harries with guns right now, here is the thing, cops are human beings like the rest of us, they might have personal problems anything from problems at home or with other colleagues or any other problem for that matter that can affect their judgments, I also have suggested all our police officers to be tested for anabolic steroids, we know for a fact these drugs will affect ones judgments and make you act irrationally and cause a lot of harm when you are on these medications, so of course they should be tested regularly for that too, equally important is the leadership at the top with the police chiefs, they must give the signal to all under them that, protecting and serving residents is whey they hopefully took the job to begin with, to protect ! and in order to do that and the easiest way to do that policemen and women need to be friendly, if I was a cop I would always have a smile on my face, always, to deescalate situations you need the trust of whomever you are dealing with, and a smile and a friendly face makes things just so much easier , I say this again, I think we are the verge of turning things for better to change a culture of distrust for one another to starting treating people with some respect and common humanity, but also, if we are not abservent things could reverse for worse, so it is of utmost importance that we put our politics aside and go after what everyone wants, more freedoms to refine our rights to new higher standards and show the world how things could be if we finally recognize one and other in each other, that we are more closely related than previously thought and that we all want the same thing, to bring the mollas to justice :):) ok forget the last part, thats only something I have to worry about, its not for you, its something I have to deal with, and then there are other corrupt tyrants too a brother need to deal with in its time but thats for later ;) Khamenei did me wrong and now he and his devils will have to deal with the consequences, because now I am going to dedicate my life to get back at them, and I am sure they are pissing their pants right now, or their skirts, filthy bastards, I need a couple of nukes, where can I get some ?? just a couple of them, nothing major just a couple of tacticals, those are the big ones :):)
