Political Battle Raging Over Police Reform | NBC Nightly News

Whatever the sentence is for Derek the rogue officer the other three incompetent officers should get half the sentence of Derek, that would be fair, these cops were trained to protect and serve, they failed miserably, they did nothing to save Mr Floyds life in the hands of another officer, if this is not reckless name something else I cant come up with any, and this police union spokesman, the fucking guy is taking this too personally, he feels like he himself is greatly insulted, the fucking guy just dont want to acknowledge there are even worse assholes in the whole department so now he feels he is responsible to feel personally insulted and now acting out, he is not doing good police officers any good, I am sure 95% of the viers sees him as an armed lunatic who should not be trusted with a gun himself, wth is he doing there anyway, unions is a symbol of fairness, these wiseguys wants to turn it into a place of doing mega profits, they are looking like a bunch of gangsters from a movie, wearing a batch being immune to get prosecuted for bad behaviour, when I learned earlier today that California spend more than a third of its collectables goes to the police department and security, we are spending half of our tax dollars for security, what a waste of good dollars, what a shame, I have given you the solution, decriminalize all illegal drugs, produce and distribute it only to registered junkies outside town somewhere secure and clean for them, they can get housing too, and by that I mean, a place to sleep, and long side first class treatment centers all free for the citizens, another thing is, did you guys know it cost the taxpayers 300 dollars a night to keep another citizen behind bars, yes 300 dollars, the truth is if you gave them 100 dollars to stay out of prison you would still go plus big time and if you have had spend a fraction of the big tax dollars the police department gets on the poorest areas you would have had much less trouble to send out heavy duty officers, I think it is a good idea to refund some to better usage, here is the sad thing, one idiot officer can bring so much bad attention to the rest of the police costing the department millions which comes from other hard working taxpayers, and these hot shuts like this union spokesman should definitely not be given the light to let him pave way for more such bad conduct which has shaked the nation and the world, the good thing is, people are interconnected nowadays, information travels fast and finally the world is becoming one, not many shades left for darkness to hind behind, which is about time if you ask me.
