Seattle mayor fires back after Trump threatens to intervene

It looks peaceful enough to me, also looks to me that people have spoken, and they have that right, let them blow some steam, listen to them implement more changes be more transparent train your police men and women more, like a course a week with following up courses, like George Bush the president said, you have to catapult the propaganda into their minds, you need to hammer it in, I have following the developments for two days now but right now things still looks good, very festive in fact, this is how democracy looks like, let people blow some steam and then they will go home, after they get what they came for that is !! they are asking for people with guns to take it easy, not to empty four mags into a person for running away from them, thats murder, you just sent a person to death, there are these issues people on the streets have problems with and some on the far right to stay relevant and thats what it is all about to stay relevant go on to and contradict what they have been bitching about all along by discrediting these demonstrators who it seems the whole country and others with similar situations supports, it has gone global, perfect :) BUT we must NOT forget there is a much much more dangerous and serious situation going on in Hong Kong, here we dont need to fear the military but those poor freedom fighters in Hong Kong they have been left alone, I for my part I have stated, if they go in with military then there would be nothing the communist party or any of their leaders can say to me that I would pay attention to, like with the mollas, last year they murdered 300 demonstrators in cold blood in three four days, for me that evil unclean molla regime do not exist there is nothing to say but the ordinary things I say about them, Seattle is not far away from here, a few days of sailing, perhaps I will swing by pay a visit and measure the temperature in the streets myself, sounds like a plan :):)
