Seattle Mayor Orders Return of Police | The View

You know whose face I would like to see on Mount Rushmore Whoopy ?? my face :) carve away a ton of bone from the nose and this face will look like a movie star, its a money maker honest to God :) lol but in all seriousness I think things will work out just fine in Seattle after people have had their say, right now from the looks of it, the residents of this area want to go back to an old norma, final point is, if things does not change for the better after a lets say a reform, we have to change it back with new progressive methods in consideration, and things has not changed for the better in this so called free zone with no civilized system to govern so its natural it has to go and make room for new ideas, many voices has not been heard properly and now the great major perhaps could facilitate for an open and honest discussion to further shed light on how a healthy democracy is to operate, like we have seen for the past weeks, its a great triumph for democracy, they should be rewarded with a purple heart or something I dont know, just do something.
