Sen. Booker: There Will Be No Change Without Accountability | Morning Jo...

Qualified immunity ??? civilians cannot sue police officers, I cant believe there is even a such thing, who came up with this backward law, if something has to be changed this is definitely where it should start, this is not justice, these backward laws are weakening the state, like cancer weakening the body and if not taken action against it, well you can see what damage it has caused already, so the sooner our legislators take action against this the sooner we can go back to building a strong state people can proudly stand behind.

I still do NOT get notifications from MSNBC, YouTube ! your algorythoms SUCKS !!!! this is NOT fair what you are doing, I am very very upset.

I need people from MSNBC to call YT and complain, what is this Iran or Sweden, I escaped those brutal regimes to what, for nothing to change, is this the land of the free or what the heck is going on ?????
