Sons Of New York - Jesus Was A Person Of Color (Official)


Here is some facts for you, around 20% of any population are deeply racist, this number if getting around 40% then it can be seriously problematic as we have seen on many places, the way I see it, if the number can move upwards it can move downwards as well, and if we can get this number less than 20% perhaps 10% that would be optimal and solve many problems with the right information, especially as believers, a true believer is convinced we once were one people one race and eventually we will go back to that state and a true believer is also convinced there are consequences for deeds, the saddest part of all this is that, its a shame we have to remind some believers of these facts, the 10% of society, its not their fault they are the way they are, they have been wrongs they have been violated sometimes during their childhood and because of this they have given up and there are so many of them, I dont believe there is good and evil in us, I believe we get influenced, a human child is like an empty hard drive, it doesnt know good or evil but it is more familiar with what is good constructive, then some asshole comes along and mess everything up lol isnt that so.
