Susan Rice: Trump Administration 'Has Been Racist To Its Core' | Andrea ...

Say what you want but what you heard here is absolutely true, she is no even stretching twisting adding anything or removing anything in her facts about Mr Trump and some of the tings we already know, not speculating like or many times what people on the far left media tries to tell you, what you heard here is true, one thing no Murican or anybody else for that matter do is to ask a foreign entity of any capacity to help you get elected or re elected here, you just dont do that, a five year old knows, because here is the thing, we have been presented with some facts we have learned about what has been said in these meetings between Mr Trump and these foreign powers and private entities, these facts has been presented and I dont think anyone at this point denies that, things like ok we give you ATGMs if you dig dirt in your archives about certain political adversary here and I will ship you a batch of missiles, or if you buy more of our agricultural products I will make a better favorable trade deal with you other than I should have done, things like that, it means you never run for president because you care for people even people on the right exclusively, you did it so you get all these contracts to enrich yourself and those around you, so these things we know, what we do not know is the deeper secret deals that has been struck, the personal stuff sort of speak, and if these revelations that has come to the publics eye was not bad enough, imagine these other stuff, I think what people are trying to say here is, there is just too much corruption in this administration, it tops everything else we have seen before, this is the next stuff uncharted territories and thats why I think people are scared because now it has opened the door to other bad things to come out later, so naturally people out of fear either joins in and hope they get something instead of ending up as the loser in this whole thing or people will reject it and hope for the best.
