'The Five' on high profile Dems distancing from movement to 'defund police'

I will tell you what to do guys I have done the math trust me, what we need to do right now is to decriminalize all illegal drugs, we then can offer 100% Murican made hard state drugs for free to an amount a reasonable rate for each dummy who is ready to register him or herself as an addict with all other implications that comes with it like the shame like many other things that alone come with shame, the reason this idea is the optimal way of going about things what it will more do, is a bunch of things good things like less crime of all sorts like less domestic violence at home to destruction of property because this alone is a multi trillion dollars waste of money that could go elsewhere places like all kinds of healthcares the best you could dream of, much safer streets the point is, you would as a society bade in money, imagine that, there would be no more racism, end of that, people are generally happy when they are healthy and if they are financially in a good place, this could be provided tomorrow if people started to grow a pair, a pair of balls is what it takes, end crime tomorrow and live in plenty for everafter, like how it sounds ?? sign the damn contract then Amigo !! :)
