What it's like inside Seattle's CHAZ

I declare the summer of 2020 the Summer of Love !

In my opinion, if the city "caves" to its citizens its just a good healthy thing nothing wrong with that, what I would like to see is, I want to see these justice seekers to make sure there is less crime there than in the rest of the whole state, to let people know they are well mannered and civilized, Seattle now have the opportunity to show the rest of the country how it should be done, I do NOT advocate for more of this but now that we have this situation on our hands, they can demonstrate in a peaceful manner how it should be done to silence the critics, and also these free zones we have them in Europe too, in Denmark in their capitol they have a free zone called Christiania which I have visited many times, its a nice place also a very much visited tourist attraction, look it up its a wonderful place and they have had it since right after WW2, a cool hippy town in the middle of Copenhagen, so just chill everyone, its not the end of the world yet, let these people have their say, they can even each year have a week of festival on this date for remembrance, it could be a great thing, of course we all know things will go back to normal, not the old normal but a new era where people respect the law enforcements and they in turn are more tolerant towards people, I am confident it can be worked out, its nothing to it just do not hype up conspiracy theories dont make things worse be a positive force and things will be alright in no time.
