Young White Girl Shames Her Parents For Being Conservatives

Brave girl ! I hate to see family members arguing to the point that has damaged relations with family members, but we are after all talking about massive social changes for improvement that if implemented soon enough could lead to perhaps a new age never before seen in our history, I dont even want to write about it now because of ones deepest desire to be there right now but with things going on seems like a future for another day, today it seems we have to hold tight keep of what we have in fear of losing it, this is why activism is so important, this is why argues like what you all have had with your own family members is a common thing, you are looking at what is going on in the house next to you and what their families are discussing between themselves, to have a time out moment to reflect on your opponents arguments is a good thing family members should practice as so you can have a better response but as usual for the most part, people just wanna win an argument, its about winning or losing and in most cases nothing constructive has been stocked by any party, I have an understanding why the father is holding on to his argument, he shouldnt hold on to it that hard because it is not either this or that, what the father should be reminded of is that, a culture any culture can die, and as history has showed, a high culture can die out pretty quickly if not maintained, it takes work, and the work towards these good social changes always come from our youth, and the reason is, they are purer than our old times, it is simple as that, these youth have not seen much of the nastiness going on so they are careless of these things so they see the world the way it should be not the way it is so they become vocal and the level above that is being an activist your whole life through, like the 70 something year old guy who unfortunately was pushed fell and thank God he is in a better shape now, in that case, I dont blame too much the cop that pushed him, I have seen the footage, our senior rushed towards the cops in a bit threatening manner and he did it in a way that gave the impression that he is strong and healthy, the the young cop pushed him slightly not too aggressively and the old guy tripped and fell and hurt his head, the sad thing watching that video was not the pushing, it was the fact that none of these cops didnt give a damn about him even after seeing blood coming out like that, eventually they did something, very noble of them, the point is, in situation that is hard to judge how people will react, if you get yourself in that situation you did so knowing it can end badly too, it goes for the cops too, they shouldnt bitch about that they put themselves in danger and therefor we should worship them somehow, its a choice they made, like this senior activist, he made a choice to approach these riot cops they way he did, I also have to say this, if I was the cop, I wouldnt even have pushed him, for me it wasnt enough threatening but I guess there are those who gets afraid easily and react like this cop did, the whole thing was an unfortunate event and should be left as such, but the lack of empathy amongst the cops who saw the man on the floor bleeding and didnt came to his care right away speaks alot, another argument can be made that, after the elderly gentleman fell like that people started immediately to react and the riot police at the front as humans as they are fell like taking care of that situation first, look we dont know more than we have seen and some statements being made but for President Trump to suggest that the elderly activist is an ANTIFA provocateur is low, it is low because he tried to make a political score of the pain of someone who just got beaten up slandered to be someone he is not just so that President Trump could feel better about himself for a short moment, it was NOT a Super thing to say Mr Trump !! not Super at all, now the title of Super goes to myself, yeap I am reclaiming it, sorry buddy 😊
