A Crowd Surfing American Hero: Remembering Congressman John Lewis

If the late honorable John Lewis crowd surfed at the Colbert Show, then its additional proof that he was one of the great ones :) may he rest in peace, but that interview with Jon, its such a good vibe to it that I have watched it ten times if not more, and every time I watched it John Lewis said something new to reflect on so watching the video never got boring, now thank you both Stephen the poet Colbert and Jon the Babstite for being there to capture the moment, and an extra special thanks to the whole crew, and hey Stephen ! I was serious about that reality show with only royals I was talking about before, you were supposed to take care of the paperworks with CBS, do I have to go to Fox with the idea or whats going on, anyways it would be good tv, this time around, nothing like before, this time around it will be done propper, I am going to wear the crown perhaps run for office who knows, and btw, in the US constitution at the back of it I have found a hidden text written with invisible ink saying something about one can be a royal having this kingdom yet still be able to run for Mr President of the USA and stuff, I can show it to you later its right there buddy, but to more urgent matter, am I doing good over here or what ?????? :):):):) let me answer that, I am doing wonderful ;)
