Adam Schiff: Democrats Want FBI Briefing On ‘Foreign Interference Campai...

Amen to that, but what can one do when people on the right goes to these foreign English speaking networks like Soviet Today when we or anyone should know, the Soviets desire nothing but to see this country down on its feets worshiping this lawless global crime syndicate that too many has subscribed to, the truth of the matter is, the world is secretly run by this global crime syndicate, this crime syndicate is looking forwards to see America fall into their hands like many other lawless countries with autocrats ruling over them, may God forbid, if they get their way here too then the whole world will fall into a darkness that can never be revived ever again, we here are at the danger point at the edge of falling into this darkness or flay towards the light that is just around the corner, Trump would like to dragus into that darkness that he harbors in his heart of stone, the people of the right before the era of Trump and even today were the main source of all these conspiracy theories that talked about FEMA death camps, that the globalists together with the communists and Russia are about to stage something for their storm troopers to run over our streets and towns in all these documentaries they were producing but now it turned out, the same people on the right are the ones that are on Soviet Today and other anti American propaganda networks to spread disinformation and misinformation throughout their own local networks is something I cannot find words for anymore, as most of you  know, too many on the right have a more favorable view of the Russian president than their own here and none of these people are on the left only on the right, this is what is happening right now, in my view, if no one can ever criticize your dear leader and neither will you no matter what proof is brought forth to expose the corruption with in this administration such a group of hypocrites are not worth addressing to because its a cult and no cult is worth taking seriously, the only thing to take seriously is first God then rule of law, rule of law does not mean we should break the skulls of demonstrators just so that the man in the WH can feel like the autocrat he would like to be, this is why the military and its senior leaders have to be there for the people and for the greater good, and I think we have wise military leaders loyal to the country and the constitution and not to a wannabe dictator in the WH, I believer Trump mind is very very dark, thats where he spends most of his time in, in darkness, and he is used to it, like an addict, its the only thing he sees so he naturally would like to see the rest of the world projecting the way he sees the world to be, this is not what we want, the seed of corruption has been planted here as we speak for too long but it can be reversed it has to we have to turn thing around towards the light, its not a left or right issue, its about staying away from darkness and corruption, we dont have to go do something impossible, just say no to corruption and open the doors your windows for light to penetrate your life and wish the same for your neighbors, the kind of things Trump does not have a clue of because he has dweled somewhere down there for too long for him now to reverse his course, so make sure you and all in your family go to vote this man out of office, and it has to be in overwhelming numbers.

Biden 2020 !
