AOC CURSED OUT By Vile GOP Colleague: "F***ing B**ch"

This is very upsetting at that sitting congressman is openly cursing another representative in congress like this, an open investigation is in order to find out what really happened here I think, and of course crime on the lower level is connected to poverty,on the higher level its just damn greed that causes it, the more power they have the more they want of it, drunk on power, yet these fools donet seems to understand, power is given by God and He alone can take it away from any fool at any time He sees fit, they dont seems to get this fight straight, to fight crime on the lower level, the first thing after the second thing you should concentrate on is to make sure there will be no one to fall in the trap of crime at early age to prevent more choosing this path, a path society provided for them from the get go, so society is guilty here for not wising up and do what is in the best interest of all, wanting to project power to satisfy your own ego for someone drunk on power is the easy way to destroy something not even coming near of actually fixing it is a problem many elected officials and others for that matter suffers from, we must establish a zero tolerance for even having people imprisoned, we must strive to have zero people in jails instead we have a policy to fill up any building we can turn into a prison to have these people in, its the same damn policy the Chinese Communist Party has adopted and in place right now, its the same mentality but its bad when they do it and good when we do it, the world is not blind and will never follow a blind man, they want us and themselves to be the beacon of light and justice when we criticize others so that we stand on solid ground when we are speaking and so that when we do they have the confidence to follow, and thats how you change the world, dont you wanna change the world for the better ?? I think you do,who wouldnt.
