I am very very disappointed that the old church Hagia Sophia lost its status from a church to a museum and now to a mosque, this is the worst possible outcome, it has never been a tradition of and by Muslims to turn a church into a mosque, this has never happened before and it should never have happened, we are unfortunately living in an era of nationalism that as we can see and seen before causes nothing but more and more divisions between the sons and daughters of Adam, this has not been helpful, I would like to see Hagia Sophia return not into a museum but return to be a church, it was built as a church and its HARAM a grave sin to make it into something it was not meant to be, how would you Muslims in Turkey feel if the ultra nationalist Zionist turn your holy sites into something else, how would that be right, you would have been very upset calling for boycots calling for hustilities but when you do it, is it supposed to be right ?? Hagia Sophia WILL return to be a church in the future but it would be good of you to take that step before that right now, be on the right side of history by Turkish friends !! its called for !! thank you :)
