Broken Diplomacy | US-China ties stay frayed

The Communist Partys spokesperson is in no position to lash out on anyone with baseless comments when his own CCP regime is BUILT upon slavery then and slavery now in slave camps, I say if the Chinese Communist Party is so ruthless and so cruel against its own subjects then I dont want to see them being active anywhere outside their own borders, their words are poison, their intention is clear and they should definitely not to be trusted, the CCP is actively murdering and do even more horrific things to people of faith, the CCP are actively hunting down to kill as if it was a game with people of faith, like the Romans did to the early Believers it has become a game for wicked people to enjoy while others are in pain, this ideology is straight out of Hell and must be resisted and defeated, it has brought so much misery to the whole planet and the result is clear for all to see, the sad thing is that the Russian regime is complicit in this crime, they are trying their utmost to spread misinformation and chaos, if Soviet Today actually told unbiased truth then that would have been something, but they have zero regards to what is true or not, they just dont care, I say this to people, look you dont see westerners move to these totalitarian countries if they actually do not actively support that regime and get paid for it, you dont see people immigrate from here to there, their people which are all of us are the ones who fled those countries to find something better here at one point, this is how America was built, people were unsatisfied with what they were offered by their late rulers and left to come here and since then people have not left to seek something better outside, I mean leave the west for the east sort of speak, people have moved into Europe is another exemple, so naturally no sane person would leave here and move lets say to Russia China or Iran and start over without anything, if you have left then you have been offered something and you took that deal, there are not many like this, so on the question of what ideology is superior, I think your own people can answer this question themselves better than I can, if you actually allowed the numbers to come out which you never would, you dont even allow your people to think freely to move freely to be the free men and women God intended them to be, you are anti God, no matter how many times you visit your sinagoga your churches or your mosques to hide your true face, you will get exposed for what you really are, you are a warlord nothing more and nothing less, a thug a criminal you even give gangsters a bad name, people just dont like you.
