D.L. Hughley on COVID-19 Recovery and Kanye's Run for President | The View

I have been against reparation because I dont think it helps to just handover money and how much are we even talking about tand what would be the final number look like, how would it affect inflation would it actually solve anything, I would say, if the actual slaves would live right now that would be something but many generations later we are talking about between 50 and 100 million people, where is this money gonna come from, ok we know where but how would this rapid expansion affect the economy and what comes after that, I believe it will cause many shocks in society that if not implemented would be much better, but something has to be done for the African American community to give them something extra as a start jump they desperately need, give any African American free access to higher education is a very good idea and nobody should complain about it, you shouldnt if you are fair, so this we could do, then we should get this damn universal healthcare and price control on the meds because the same unpatriotic pharmaradical companies are selling the same drugs three times higher here in the US than abroad, what an evil bunch of traitors, so we have to make our people healthy and stay that way, and the biggest favor you could do to all communities is to decriminalize all illegal drugs like they way I have talked about before so we can free them from the grips of all these gangs and cartels spreading despair in these communities and draining them from what little they have left leaving them bone dry, this is the biggest favor you could do for them and with the money saved, then there is nothing you cannot do to improve the lives of all in this country, but first you have to stop the leaks in the boat, you have to address the real issue, you need to ask, where is the leak and how do we stop it before anything, I know these ideas are ahead of its time for now but playing with the ieda that things like free education for the descendants of slaves should be considered I do think its something that should be done.
