Gov. Andrew Cuomo on New York Reopening and His Dating Life

I think Gov Cuomo has done as good as one can do it, one couldnt have done it better, and I will tell you what Gov Cuomo, my dating situation isa reached a critically low too, its a disaster over here so I will tell you what Gov Cuomo, why dont we put an ad out there for both of us to search for a hot momma with a hotter daughter, I will keep the momma and you can have the daughter, if the momma is Charlize Theron ;):):) thats one hot Mona Lisa hmmmmm if she was mine I would have made two statues with my own hands of her, one of the public and one private for myself, I think I am in love Gov Cuomo, I think I am, help me out there Jimmy, you have talked to her, send a bucket of flowers to her, she will know its from me :)
