Iran fires missile at mock US aircraft carrier during exercise

I still think a skilled 50 000 man army dedicated to what is good can defeat the mollas and capture their leaders, the mollas this time wont have the support of the Iranian people like war with Saddam, 40 years of suffering under the mollas must have taught them a lesson I think, this is why we always speak of the IRGC and never hear about the regular Iranian military, the IRGC are like the SS of Nazis, its a cult, you hear me say it all the time but thats what it is, and Khameni is the new Hitler, and like Hitler, somebody else is controlling him, Satan, you think I am kidding, I am not, the same Evil that gave birth to Nazism gave birth to the mollas of Iran and their regime, it is actually the same initiative, many Basijis are big fans of the nazis people dont know these things, I believe this mollaism is a plague by God upon the Iranian people because they lost their way some time ago, look I know Iranians I know what I am talking about I am not wasting your time, this plague will go as it came this is a certainty, something evil as this God wont have it around for too long I think, already the mollas has gone in history pages to been the most hated regime in Irans history, this much we know already, the question remains is, how much more are the Iranians willing to take from these thugs, I dont think it will be long, but thats just me :)
