Iran's President Rouhani says 35 million Iranians face COVID-19 infection

The mollas said a couple of months ago regarding the passenger liner they brought down that the plane crashed of its own then that it was an internal explosion that caused the crash and when the videos of the SAM firing two missiles and everything was up in smoke and fire not even then did they accept responsibility and came up with another lie, people dont understand how Iran is governed relay, people think they have an idea but they dont, Iran is run by the Shia version of ISIL, see it like this, ISIL has the element of what a cult is, a criminal enterprise, but they are too extreme to run a nation, they are more suited as guard dogs, like low lifes they are, but you need a governing head, people just a little bit more moderate than ISIL, so you bring in the Salafi muftis for things to look a little bit better, now you have two evil elements operating as one, now you can rule over a country, thats how the mollas in Iran rule Iran, and if you dare show any signs of decent, they kill you, and they do it in such a hateful personal way, this is what you are supporting when you support the mollas, the mollas are crumbling from within because everything they stand on is a big damn lie, all of it, they are all a bunch of bullshit artists all of them.
