Iraq PM launches probe over protesters killed

You my Iraqi friends know this corruption you are heavied under will never end till you push the reset button and start all over again with this cancer cell that is the Iranian mollas and your own domestic mollaism is washed away, only if you Shia Iraqis knew what the true ideology of your mollas and their supporters are, they have two doctrines, the first is the official one you all are taught about the second is their own secret doctrine, but even that has two elements, the first element is the one among the mollas themselves the other is what they are teaching their closest cult members and after that it comes the official one they have thought for centuries, so let me tell you about what the shia mollas are putting in the heads of their cult members, they say things like and I am going to start softly here, things they say are, we have never visited the Moon, that its all a hoax even though they are speaking out of their buttholes, they say this because they are the enemies of that person who were responsible for the moon operation and the one who defeated communism in that race, the mollas do not like that person whom I have to come back and talk more about in time, just remember this, the mollas who are Luciferians are 110% in cahoots with Eblis did not like that man of God, so they killed him, and for this they are going to get wiped out, so what the mollas are doing is to discredit his work, I will come back and tell you in more detail why the mollas were against this person, then things will be more clear for you, but thats for later, then the mollas say things like, after the Mahdi comes, humans and Jinns will co exist with each other and cooperate with each other and build a new world, like Atlantis, they also believe that there is no Dajjal that its just television, the shia mollas are going against the Holy Quran and what God has stated, they are in reality on the opposite side of all that, look it shouldnt surprise you after they just murder anyone in their way, it shouldnt surprise you after all the mainham and chaos they have created all the corruption, this should be ground enough for you as shia Muslims to turn your backs on ALL your luciferian cult leaders, every single one of them are corrupt to their core, you know very well if your shia religious cult leaders really wanted they could have corrected all these that is going on in Iraq, they could have but have they ? they have not and they never will, Iraq is run by a shia cult that has nothing to do with Islam, it is the opposite of Islam and if you are a true God fearing person, the mollas are the least you should be afraid of, these are your enemies, and anyone who cooperates with them, anyone that accepts their bloody money is guilty of all their crimes, you as Iraqis regardless how you worship God the Creator must unite against these criminals, you MUST treat them as the enemies they are, put all their cult members on a public list with names and everything, let people know who they are, let the Iraqis know who is killing them ruthlessly, you know an organization is rotten when their members murder civilians with no consequences from the leadership of that cult, you MUST revolt you must bring the whole government down and you must go after those who are murdering you, I urge all Iraqis from north to south east and west to gather in Baghdad in massive numbers and demand justice, I understand it must be difficult because you dont have an army to defend you from these evil doers, you Iraqis face the same problems the Iranians face, the mollas watch dogs the Basijis and their IRGC together with fanatics from all over the ME has gathered in Iran to suppress the Iranians and they have all the weapons and the innocent civilians with non, the good news is, help is coming, and when it arrives you need to answer the call, only with this calling can we free the whole ME from these criminals, and we will start with Iran first, when God willing that satanic molla regime has been defeated in battle, then these mollas will know who they have angered, whom they have betrayed, and whom will make them fall on their knees to ask forgiveness, forgiveness will come in the shape of a deep filthy hole in the ground where if they are lucky will spend the rest of their miserable time left on this planet, and thats if they are lucky, so I end with some encouraging news for you, help will come, you will God willing be free to see how things could have been if you listened sooner, but for now you need to make life as difficult as you can for them, the most effective to weaken them is to expose their evil doings and religious hypocrisy, as long as you still identify yourselves as shias as sunnis with your race with all these things that exclude you from your own humanity, God will never favor you, as He has not done to this point, you live in misery NOT because of foreign powers but because of the culture of corruption you yourselves have adopted, do not think for a second you are favored by God, you are not, you need to change what you need is to wash all that clean and start over with a fresh way of seeing things, go take a bath wash yourself clean, now with total sincerity ask God for forgiveness and ask if He can show your the way, be your own man and lady, you are NOT slaves to what any cult leader is forcing you to believe, and yes they are forcing you to choose a side, but what if both sides are corrupt and dirty they have presented for you, what if ISIL and the shia cult members are the two sides of the same coin, because I believe it is, it actually factually is, listen friends, I have seen the deep workings of the shia molla cult, 99,99% if you have not, you need to trust my judgment on this, the shia mollas are pure evil, as evil as it comes, you should know this, and if you have still honor in you left, you would not accept this but join us in the fight to bring justice for all, join the Movement !!!
