Iraq PM pressured to kick out US troops – fmr Pentagon official

I think its time to send the mollas a clear message, perhaps one or two of their tankers get hit by something and sink somewhere or perhaps one or two of these shia terrorists in Iraqs bases would come to be carpet bombed, they like carpets, lets give them a taste of of carpet with holes big as craters in them.

Here is how reality looks like in my view, we should not have invaded Afghanistan or Iraq, but its done now and we cannot turn back time, what we cannot do is to after the fact leave these two places to fall in the hands of wicked regimes, in the case of Afghanistan, we know China is waiting to get a firm grip of Afghanistans natural resources as soon as we leave, and thats unthinkable, to hand over Afghanistan to the Communists, with regards to Iraq, after everything that has happened we just cannot leave it and let the Iranian mollas take over that whole country and turn Iraq into another totalitarian shit hole officially, if there were no Iranian shia militias terrorising people in Iraq and if Iraq had an independent government, absolutely we should leave it but that is not the case, we would do no one but the mollas and the Soviets and the communists in China a favor by leaving it, we will come to regret it in the worst kind of ways in the future and I dont think the Iraqis themselves want the US to leave, they are fully aware of what will happen if that happens, the Iraqi faction of hezbesheytan will slaughter the Sunnis and the Shias opposing Irans mollas and it will be a bloodbath that the world will not forgive us for thousand of years to come, we have to stay there till the day Iranian mollas are invaded by a true Muslim army to deal with these monkeys in Iran then beyond, meanwhile I suggest retaliation in a way they get the message like carpet bombing some of these shia militias bases in Iraq like the other times, the manner you deal with these rats is to double down on them and never ever give in till they surrender and if you back down even once they will see it as a sign of weakness and they in turn will double down on us, I say lets bomb a few of their bases at the time of our own choosing when we know it will do most damage, to send a message to Irans Supreme Traitor and their dogs at IRGC.
