Israeli police killing sparks protests across country

As soon as the Palestinians step away from ALL their corrupt leaders then we can get somewhere, and so to my Jewish people !! all your leaders are up to no good, they are in the way of true progress, we could bring about a whole new world based on true justice for all, in such a world, there will be no more wars no more racism no more poverty a world full of opportunities a world of true prosperity a world of happiness in a world where we all could worship our Creator (and) have a party afterwards all night long, but as long as you listen to your leaders who are there for many other reasons than looking after their people, you wont get anywhere, they have made everything so much worse and YOU are responsible for standing behind these losers, and as long as you follow them you also will be among the losers, they wouldnt be there if you didnt stood behind them, go back to your Holy Books and follow the instructions there it is only promoting peace among the sons and daughters of Adam, but others have other ideas, they want to divide you and profit from it in any shape or form.

And of course Palestinian Lives Matters Too :) good luck !
