Lavrov and Zarif hold joint presser after Moscow talks [STREAMED LIVE]

The Russian people should not support the molla regime because in core its pure evil, I mean this evil is running EVERYTHING in Iran, its worse than what you think how Russia is run, Iran is different, here you have a distorted fanatic not even religious shia end times cult running everything, the whole economy, because they are on top of the food chain there, the IRGC is running all state own and run finances all of it and in the private sector they own half of whats there too if not more, its like the Chinese Communist Party that is actually the final sayer in all privately owned businesses, its that grave, and Zarif here this little criminal midget is the spokesperson of this fanatical cult, and thats why those monkeys have set a price on my head lol losers will never get anywhere ;) I understand the Russian peoples thinking right now, I know you are not satisfied with just about anything, and I know you know how your country is run and you dont like it because corruption only befriend and enrich more corruption making you pay for it, but you dont risk take a chance to support anyone but those who has promised to at least keep you safe, a heavy price to pay, what we all should start with is to call these corrupt people out all of them no matter who the hell they think they are we must call them out, together, and also, if 90% of a countrys population despises their leader then you should know, you wouldnt want to be of these 90% so why go out and support this unclean regime when they wear clean suits to make you think better of them when in really they are scum of the world, so have more self respect and call out corruption for what it is, may God be the good people of Russia, we are all the same, we just want better, and we shall get better, God willing :)
