Martha gets heated with Symone Sanders over Biden's 5 decades-long career

Martha is unfortunately repeating the same talking points of six months ago with not taking this virus seriously letting all the business stay open like nothing has happened shutting nothing down it will all be over soon essentially looking the other way, and this is the results of it, especially in those states run by deniers, one can not say lets take it easy nothing will happen, time has shown them wrong, one need to present a plan, and a plan that makes sense, one should not oppose other peoples plans when one self have nothing to present, so lets hear any plan just say anything that resembles a plan and we can take it from there, but with nothing on the table what are we talking about here, this rhetoric has caused great damage, the plan that lets go back to how it was before is no plan, its stupidity things are not like before so lets hear of a plan for today and for tomorrow, because these questions will be brought up in a debate with Joe Biden, if Mr Trump would wanna go up against him that is in a debate, so I am helping you guys. lets see a plan and discuss the details of it, c mon guys its been a slow news week, give us something to work with ;)_
