Nancy Pelosi: I’m Very Afraid Because Of ‘Ignorance In The Administratio...

In order to finally defeat this virus you need a united nation, it wont work if some people tries to undermine this threat, we should have acted lot sooner but that train is gone now, so we have to rethink our response and stop with these half measures, one either do something and finish the job or we are screwed, till now we have done miserably, with all the money spent and we still have nothing to show for it, reopening our business is a must do but in a manner that is responsible, so I do support the mandatory non option to wear a mask indoors anywhere, its the least we can do, kids need to be occupied with their studies instead of anything else but forcing schools to reopen is NOT the way, but to keep people satisfied I suggest schools to be reopened to those parents who insist their kids go to these classrooms and for those more thoughtful they should have the option to online schooling, it will be an experiment to see what will happen, and it will be considered an experiment for those parents who still insist, I hope everything goes well for all but to give this freedom to those sceptics those who believe the numbers are faked well let them take their chances then, I hope we are wrong but we cannot risk (everyones) kids who are more careful and want to be more safe, they should have this right too, what we have seen evidentially is that those states that took this virus and the threat it poses as phony today going back to be more thoughtful and advise their people to take this much more seriously, this after thousands that has passed away for listening to their leaders, I hope this proposal to reopen the schools wont share similarities with these past mistakes so therefor I suggest only parents who want to take this risk should do it on their own but I will say this, I truly feel bad for these kids with ignorant parents like this, I can bet my everything that Mr Trump himself would never mingle among his hard core supporters in these rallies walking amongst them or he would never had sent his own kids to school like before, his own kids are sheltered and rightly so but he chooses another path for your kids, if you want to risk the life of your kid, then do as you please, this virus is like lets say taking antibiotics, you need to take the whole bach you have been subscribes to, you cannot take half of it and ignore the other half or it wont do the job its that easy, if we go on with these half measures back and forth I suspect, we will get decimated by it, time will tell how it will end.

Lets talk frankly friends, may God forbid, if other viruses comes along and on and on and we still fight among each other about how to deal with it, there wont be anything left to defend very soon after, I suggest we set up a bipartisan experts and let them decide how we should go about it, take this power out of the presidents hands, any president not just Mr Trump, let these experts dictate things, their final verdict like the supreme court have the last say and everyone can be happy.
