Navy vet Christopher David speaks on Portland protests

I hope this vets arm heals up quickly :) my problem with all this chemical gases being used on civilians in crowded downtown with apartment buildings too tight next to each other is, with this much gas being used are these troops not worried this thick cloud of gas entering peoples apartments and what if there are children in or infants and elderly people suffocating from these gases that can cause them to stop breathing, its a public health issue this and especially during Covid times where air free from harmful particles is a sought after precious commodity, these gases should be banned on our streets, and another thing, I dont understand why the police unions and some police officers are taking Trumps side when it is the Dems who wants to make our streets safer nicer with much less work load on our officers while the Reps are ramping things up and in fact are making your work environment much more dangerous and hassarious, here is another contrast, I bet you all if you ask secretly officers if they are pro gun in the hands on every citizen like the Reps are suggesting and other ultra pro gun people and their arguments how that would solve everything, I bet you the vast majority of the cops would say, having this much guns or any gun in the hands of our citizens is not a good idea because it is these same guns that has made the cops paranoid and scared and cautious and all the stress it comes with for our officers that if you actually asked how they would rather have it the officers would say take the guns away, mainly for their own reasons and thats fine I understand that but how come the cops and their unions are standing against the Dems what actually want to make their work environment safer, would you as an officer on patrol rather not cruising the streets that are clean with no poverty people being nice minimum threat of getting shut yourself or answering a call of someone else being shut, would you as a police officer rather enjoy that kind of working environment over what we have today and what these crazy folks at your unions are doing is to worsen every situation brought to their table, in my view every single cop should be onboard on this agenda of enriching every street corner so that you as police officers can cruise around eating your donuts or whatever you do and shill, and with money saved with less crime, perhaps we could let you cruise in cooler marked police cars with bright motives on colorful cool stuff, ok I am taking this too far now, but you get the point, if you are a smart wise police officer, you would rather have that over a mad max situation on our streets, so you should definitely support and cast your votes for Joe Biden because we want whats best for all, including the cops, we rather see you have nothing to do on your duty just chilling driving around walking the streets where people wave at you and ask how you are doing nice things like that, would you not rather have that ?? or do you rather have chaos and destruction on our streets so you can drive tanks and unmarked stormtroopers snatching people up left and right like they do in a communist state, you have to look after your self interest too and not buying what these fear mongers are telling you, vote Biden and we will see that your workplace is lot less stressful and nicer :)
