Nick Cannon Dropped Over Anti-Semitic Comments | The View

To say that the Jews as a people run everything and are to blame for the bad things happening is extremely naive to think that way, I have met all kinds of wicked people rich and poor and they were all complacent in the same evil ideology they shared, and you might say, what ideology is it that the filthy rich and the poorest in society have in common, they both like control over others, they like to have servants slaves somebody to be there at their command, somebody to order around, these characteristics is not just in one particular race but in all of us, its an ideology, its very ignorant to just point to some race and blame everything on them instead of taking a look at oneself and ask is there room for self adjustments, for people who take the Holy Texts seriously and understand the texts pretty good, we take wisdom directly from these Holy Texts and in these Holly Books the history of nations races kings of the past and other factual happenings has been mentioned, and the Jews have had their fair share in these Holy Books and not even the Jewish rabbis are denying their part of the story in these books are fraudulent, nobody disagrees with it, the reason the story of the Jews in particular but all other stories mentioned is for us to take wisdom from it and try not to repeat past mistakes, otherwise whats the point, so I think because the Jews has been mentioned so much in the Holly Texts some people just dont want to let go of them till today, today we see the far right Jews mainly in Israel and their treatment and rhetoric used by some of their far right extremist rabbis has not helped brighten the image of the Jewish people either, again it goes back to an ideology and not a race of people, we have the warmongers and God has said Her only will bless the peacemakers, so now you figure out who the warmongers and the peacemakers are, it all comes down to this eventually, and let me say this too, a warmonger is at the end of the spectrum in the same line we have the racist the race baiters the ones who divide with their rhetoric then you have the warmonger and at the far end you have war criminals, but they are all in the same line of Crazy, its very simple in my view but then you have to know a little bit of history and have a firm eye on today, here is what God has stated and its a couple of simple words but nothing could be more meaningful, He has stated, whatever good happening in your lives I am responsible for it and whatever bad happens you yourselves are responsible for it, I know many atheists and perhaps some believers would jump up and scream with many questions, I have heard them all and there is an answer for them all, but back to the question, just as the Muslims as a groups of people with soon 99 different sects and school of thoughts among them but as group they are to blame all sects within them for the bad image presented of them, who else is to blame, no one, the same can be said about the Jews the Hindus the Christians same there with all their many sects, so this shows me at least is what I have said earlier, you cannot blame one over the other or you are an ignorant fool with little good use, I say if you wanna blame one blame them all, thats what I do :):)
