'No proof,' Official defends Sweden's controversial Covid-19 move

Anders Tegnell is basically if I am not wrong a very disturbed individual and he could be a communist too, the commies in Sweden they do share this thought that, lets take out the weak from society for the stronger to live better, thats why he is still proud that because of his recommendations Sweden have with its tiny population offered more deaths than other Scandinavian countries, thats why he is proud to say, the death tolls were very high but not extreme high, this is in his own words, and the sad thing is, too many in Sweden do approve this way, trust me you dont want to be an old person in that country, there is no family structure as we know it, its you on your own and the state on your side if you share the same ideology of everything state, and behind that apparatus thats another more extreme version of what I just told you about, its a communist state, perhaps the last one in Europe so people are programmed by the state at early stages then they own you, there is an evil at work there unlike nothing else, I have seen it I have felt it and for some reason, this evil ideology doesnt like me, imagine being sent to a part of the world [sweden] and right at the get go the whole country hates and conspires against you, the whole damn System and its employees, and you dont even know why these monkeys hates you, you cant imagine it because its right straight from a horror movie, you can never imagine that but in my book I will explain thoroughly, I am going to open all your eyes of no conspiracy theory but God honest facts, the point I am making is, Sweden is a lunatic, I wonder what plans God have for such society, remains to be seen.
