Planet Egypt: Temples of the Egyptian Cult (S1, E3) | Full Episode | His...

It is most disappointing to see History Channel once again and they do so deliberately and thats what makes it so bad, in this so called documentary they are keeping some of the MOST relevant information away in the discussion, basically everything mentioned here are just lies, and I will tell you why, History Channel is extremely anti God, we know that and in this documentary they are boldly displaying it and I will tell you why, the reason why Akhinatum this new young Pharaoh destroyed the statues was because of Prophet Josef, the son of Prophet Jacob whose title was Israel, the name Israel in the Holy Bible was never ever referring to a country or to a land anywhere, it was always referring to Prophet Jacob and nothing else, people must know these facts, in the Bible we have been told about this particular story, the story goes back 400 years before the young Prophet Josef was sold to slave traders who brought Prophet Josef from Canaan where his father was told by God to move from Babylon Iraq to Canaan, soon after they arrived in the Holy Land the young Prophet Josef was thrown in a well by his other 10 brothers who were extremely wicked, thats right, just because you were born in the bloodline of a prophet doesnt mean you are special in anyway, although history has shown one in one of these blood line will enharate his father prophethood, and out of 12 sons Prophet Jacob had 10 of them turned out to be some of the worst people ever existed and the two last boys of Prophet Jacob turned out to be the best humanity had to offer, so these 10 brothers of Josef sold their younger brother to slave traders and they brought Prophet Josef to Egypt, this played out 400 years before Prophet Moses came into the picture, but thats another story, yet all these things are related, so Prophet Josef was sold to the governor of Egypt and grew up in privilege in their household, the Pharaoh the father of Akhinatum was a pegan, but his son Akhinatum grew up he adopted and befriended Prophet Josef and because a Believer in the One God, not like his father and the egyptian pegan priests, after the death of the old Pharaoh Akhinatum became the new ruler of Egypt and he made Prophet Josef the new governor of Egypt and as a Believer Akhinatum declared that Egypt should abandon its pegan beliefs and also become Believers in one God so Akhinatum went on to destroy the statues of the old Egyptian so called gods, but in this misleading documentary you never hear the true reasons of what really happened, History Channel does not want you to know these facts while this particular story is in the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran and in true history texts, History Channel has zero to do with actual history, its pure propaganda, absolutely, but the story goes on, after the new Pharaoh Akhinatum who was a true Believer in God the Creator became the rulers he made Prophet Josef the new governor, a Jew is now the second most powerful person in Egypt after the Pharaoh himself and they were very close these two, Pharaoh Akhinatum told Prophet Josef to bring his family from Canaan to Egypt to live long side him so Prophet Josef send for them to come to Egypt, that is his father whom he had not seen for thirty years long side his other 11 brothers, Prophet Josef forgave his 10 brothers for what they did to him 30 something years before when they sold him to slave traders and gave his family a life of privilege in Egypt where he was the second most powerful person, the lives of Prophet Israel thrives in Egypt and procreated like rabbits lol after 400 years these 12 sons of Prophet Jacob had become around 600 000 strong, Prophet Moses is not in the picture yet, what the offsprings of Prophet Jacob did during these 400 years in Egypt had corrupted Egypt so much that people rose up against them and eventually enslaved them, then Prophet Moses came around and freed them after their punishment was done by God, so Prophet Moses took his people who were still very ungodly out of Egypt towards the Holy Land their ancestors like Prophet Jacob was told to go to, to Canaan, it took then 40 years to reach a land that is only less than a month away, and there are reasons for it, the Jews Prophet Moses was leading if you read the Bible you will see how wicked they still were after they just got rescued and after all miracles they had seen they still didnt believe in God as they should have, so God made sure all of them dies off in the desert for 40 years to kill off that whole generation, and what many does not know how many of these 600 000 actually reached the Holy Land, it was less than a handful, out of 600 000 only around five actually reached the Holy Land and Prophet Moses was NOT one of them, he didnt want to go there, so he took off and never to be seen again, this is the official true story, what this story tells us is, Evil is always busy corruption, at one hand (after) Prophet Josef came to Egypt, this pegan society became Believers but right after the death of Prophet Josef, things went back to its wicked normal back to paganism History Channel is cheering for here, so once there God was merciful to Egypt but they screwed it up and for 3500 years these people have been suffering from their own mistakes, look at their history look at the Egyptians now, God has abandoned them to themselves for ages and thats why they have not progressed for thousands of years, its like time has been standing still there for thousands of years, why is that you think, I just told you why, God has stated He will favor a nation and its people and if they do not get the message He will transfer this favor to another people to another culture and if they do not follow the right path then, there is always another to favor over you, remember that !!
