Protest leaders say violence is hijacking movement message

When violence speaks louder than the peaceful demonstrators then the cause is lost, these violent protesters actually invited the riot police and therefore the violent protesters are mainly to blame for things getting worse, I dont even blame Mr Trump for this as much I blame the violent protests, they are demonstrating their willingness to not have a dialogue that is the start of getting to some kind of final resolution to the problem, even in war time you need a truce for the two parties to sit down and agree on a resolution, these violent protesters do not seems to understand this, I would suggest a new type of modern demonstration, if you want to bring positive coverage to the issues at your hand, instead of heading down town to demonstrate even peacefully, what you should do is to gather hundred people to go not to downtown where the chaos is but go to the poorest area and neighborhood in town all hundreds of you, go knock of peoples doors there on the whole street and ask them what you and your army of peaceful constructive protesters can do to help them, perhaps fixing a street light or fill that hole in their ground, to cut that grass or wipe out the rocks and sands on their street corners, wash away that grafiti here and there, whatever you can do to uplift that street so that when you and your fellow demonstrators have left it, it will look significantly better looking and leave a mark like that, instead of burning things down like violent demonstrators are doing cross town, let people see there is a clear distinct dimension between these two groups, and I promise you, in short time you have taken over all air waves and you will come out victorious and teach the violent protesters how to demonstrate your vision of the future, you will put all to shame if you can do that, hands down you made your impression that will spark the fire that is there to light up but it requires for people to wake up and do the right thing,  good luck ! :)
