Rep. Yoho pushes back on AOC's accusation that he verbally attacked her

I with great discipline tried not to comment on any of Mr Yohos arguments, this was my intent before I watched the clip, when Mr Yoho got into the core of the question such as what he would say to a shop owner who is trying to make a living telling him its ok to shoplift, I had no option but give a more theral explanation and perhaps what Congresswoman Cortez ment if Mr Yoho actually paid attention, I am for to decriminalize certain kind of shoplifting, if a person is and can be proven is going without food, what I am saying is in fact scripture ! if a person goes hungry, he is allowed to take the least expensive of that particular food item, he is for exemple not allowed to steal the most expensive breads or anything else, and if he or she gets caught, police will visit the persons home and see if he actually had something to eat or not, if he had then there is a felony if not he again ! if he or she has stolen the least expensive of that particular food item and if not get caught, according to scripture, there is no sin in that, and I dont think a shop owner will suffer bankruptcy if such cheap items gets stolen, the shop owner should not even see this as theft but charity, I am sure if that hungry person would have asked the shop owner for a piece of food, the shop owner would gladly provide it, but a persons dignity doesnt always let one ask for even small things, Mr Yaho should say this to that shop owner, tell him that he is ashamed to be a legislator for allowing a hungry man or woman go hungry in this country he says he love as a legislator.
