Report says UK 'actively avoided' investigating alleged Russian interfer...

The reason no one wants to bring up this Russian Chinese and others intervention in our elections is because it has gone and penetrated too deep for it to be brought to the light and discussed honestly because people are benefiting from it and some people dont want it to be known to the public and even their own supporters, then you have their English speaking networks directed to an audience here and people dont seems to understand no one but Americans could save America, Russia Iran China their regimes would very much see America on a never ending downhill, yet some of these American citizens and Brits for that matter advertize what the enemies of these nations want to be spread, then you have another problem that I think nobody has talked about at least not publicly that I have heard of and that is the English language itself, when Brits went on to colonize the world with intention for their language to be the dominant one they never thought of time will come when the language itself will be used against them, and if not careful came be their downfall too, I will explain, you see for an adversary to penetrate your society and stir division all it has to do is to get into any political discussion take ones side over the other in their own language in this case English and automatically be part of the discussion give them a platform to spread ones side propaganda like Soviet Today has done and in all these cases always taking the side of the right over the left or it could be the other way around doesnt matter, all they need to do is to amplify ones side and create a larger rift in our society and see it crumble like that infor their eyes without going military, so how do one combat this threat, there is only one way, its to be exemplary ourselves, we have the attention of the world already, being exemplary would defeat any evil any corruption and it wont cost you anything but will benefit greatly when God willing done, and that would shut up any adversary let alone enemies, we have the upper hand already, we are just not not not using it well, and that opens the door for people to criticize us from all sides left and right front or back with great effect, to the point that we now have politicians on these foreign propaganda networks harming their own country, a large portion of people here side with them for reasons that are clear they share the same ideology, I mean how can a sane person ever agree with anything communist or anything from these totalitarian regimes run by crime syndicates in suites, they are corrupt and crazy.
