Return of the White House Coronavirus Briefings | The View

Joy made a great point, if he now finally acknowledge the fact that its going to get worse before it gets better, why is he pushing the schools to reopen fanatically, I think its for the same reason he has sent unmarked federal stormtroopers to crack down on demonstrators and as we are seeing, he like everything else made the situation lot worse, I say, before when he had daddys money to play around with and lost all of it to reach out first to American banks to borrow him some money after losing that later go on to foreign banks and entities and now in debt to all basically, I say back then when none of this was his own money I mean it wasnt peoples hard earned tax dollars precisely I dont care how he spent that money, and lost it all, this time around he is playing with not his own money but the whole countrys money, you have given him this man the keys to all the money in the world and he doesnt know what to do with it but wasting tax dollars on wasteful projects. 

Biden 2020 !
