Sen. Cruz’s Remarks at FDD’s “The Future of Iran” on Collapsing the Iran...

You are wrong Sen Cruz on many fronts and I will tell you why, first of all, if you are a man of God you should be reminded that everything happened with the approval of God, so as believers we have come to this understanding that we never should go back and say, what happened shouldnt have happened, it happened and could not had happened in any other way, not in any other way, this philosophy is common among all Abrahamic faiths, we have this in common, we simplify it by saying everything is the will of our Creator, so what President Obama also did was also the will of God, and also, we cannot go back in time and change anything, so what valid conclusions can we take from this, I will tell you what, as you know as anyone knows is, who is the mollas most fearful of here, its not the United States its not Israel nor the Saudis, they actually fear me and what I will do to them in time, and as you know Sen Cruz, a few years back I was very anti America, not the people but you know the deal, I was on the mollas side, and what President Obama did was the right thing to do at that time and thats why it went on to be registered in books of history and as I say it again, we cannot changer that what happened then, we can only learn from it, the lesson learned for my part was, one cannot trust the criminal mollas, and if President Obama would not have done the deal, I would most probably be still be anti Murican and sided with the mollas, now I am on your side, well not completely because I do not share your conclusion of that happening and other political issues but over all we are on the same side, we both want the mollas gone, I personally am looking for more justice than any of you can imagine, I want the mollas crushed, I want them leveled with the ground I want all traces they have left behind gone, I want to tear down every single brick they have risen I want them erased from the pages of history, as you know they mollas enslaved me, I was actually bought and sold as a slave, and as God as my witness, I will NOT be merciful towards any slave trader or holder if God give this power to me to seek justice not only for me but for all who has suffered like this, I do not care for all the money in the world, nothing can satisfy me thats why I live alone, except for the cameras right up my ass that has been stalled all over the place but thats something else, my only wish of God is to put me in a position to seek justice, and I know I will have it in this life or next, this is what I wish happen to the mollas and all their cronies little devils they are, so my position is clean on this issue, there can never be peace between myself and the mollas, one of us must fall, and it wont be me this time around, it will be them, and how to make this finalize is a question in itself, anyone who knows anything about Iran and the mollas know, these lizards wont give up till they have been defeated in battle and they will fight to their last man, I know that, we know that, and thats fine, because I want all of them gone, what not I or anyone sane wants is to start an open war between nation states, I have stated this before, I am not willing to use any state to attack the mollas, I want volunteers to unite and basically invade Iran and free its people, and trust me Mr Cruz, dont befolled like some Rep sand Dems and go on to support criminal pedophile sex cults like the MEK MKO some Kurdish communist terror cults or Baluchi Jihadi terror cults and even the royalists the former ones to topple the mollas, the Iranian people do NOT support any of these terror cults, you and others are wasting your time with these lunatics, sure they can be helpful planting bombs here and there, use them for espionage purposes sure for these minor events they can be useful idiots but to take over the whole land mass of Iran and Iraq and Lebanon and wherever the IRGC have its bloody hands in, you can never accomplish this with these terror cults, what is needed is a 50 000 strong volonter military professionals with a leader the Iranian people would gladly accept, and you know who that is, thats me, this is the reason the mollaws all over fears me is because they know, I will crush them and get my hands on their top leaders and when I parade them in the streets all around Iran for people to see what kind of losers they have been subjected to then they will realize what the deal is.

I am the future of Iran, among other places but iran is one of the first places that need to be liberated, so help us God, and I hope YOU Sen Cruz becomes more realistic of how things are going to play, be a buddy of mine like I am a buddy of all Texans and all Muricans, look we are the same, well I am a bit nicer but over all we are basically the same we want the same things and you are very lucky to have me as a friend, national security and stuff ;) and beyond that, global security, I mean why not go all the way right :):) so I say let the mollas get more corrupted and disfavored by the billion dollars President Obama gave back to them, I will such every penney out of them in due time, and where are they gonna run and hide, in China in Russia, wherever they go I will come after to the last single one of them, and thats a promise, so be cheerful Sen Cruz, we are on the right track brother :)
