Should we worried about China's infrastructure investments around the gl...

I have a very hard time understanding why industrialized developed countries are allowing the CCP to run their nuclear plants their power stations their ports and other vital infrastructure projects, the CCP should NEVER have had access to these projects, I dont see the west being allowed to get access to Chinese sensitive projects like we are allowing them to here, I hear commies here complaining why Huawei that is owned by its workers its employees should be banned here, they even claim Huawei is an exemplary company that the rest should take after, what they dont tell you these commies that are free to protest to make themselves being heard is that, Huawei is still controlled 100% by the CCP, its actually the law, every single companie in China is in fact run by the Chinese Communist Party, and here comes these commies and say Huawei is the model of how things should look like, and these commies are free to speak their minds here but we all know, if they got their way, they would have silenced you in a split second, so bigger hypocrites than the communists here or anywhere are perhaps the mollas and other totalitarians, I was talking to a self proclaimed communist here, the person is an American white person, and this person told me that it was good that so many seniors died in the nursing homes because we now dont have to pay them to keep them alive, yes this is what this person told me, this is on the back mind of all commies, they are heartless they are ruthless uncivilized and cruel, so dont believe the philosophy of Marx Mao Lenin or any of these dictator wannabes they read and recite for you of how wonderful things would be if we just shared everything, do not believe that, you instead should look at the communists states still around and see how they deal with people and that should be enough for you to make a decision on how bad things could look like if these traitors got their way here too, we instead want to create a world where things are run optimally with minimum decent with minimum prisoners with absolute minimum poverty with minimum drug use of any kind because we want you to stay healthy so you can make more thoughtful decisions in your life we want a world with minimum corruption and maximums happiness and prosperity, we are the opposite of what communiams has to offer, communism is that little filthy predator that lures you in with some good words and when it captures you, well then they carve you op and sell your body parts to the highest bidder with no regards to your worthiness as one of Gods replacement of what was once lost, your humanity your dignity, you yourself, are you listening !!

The world must stand up against this Evil in communism and its CCP.
