Small Business Owners React To Trump's Comments On The Economy | Joe Bid...

I dont think its a good thing to have the corporates set up the rules like they have done in 45 presidential cycles and let the people who are the backbones of these corporates to have their say even after 45 cycles not even once, this is major obstacle for a sustainable system to reign supreme, the rich are getting much richer while the working class are actually suffering, they dont have healthcare they dont have a penny in savings there are no damn safety nets that covers all these issues quickly with minimum stress and you wonder mental health is such a huge issue in this country, I am afraid some dude or lady will anytime soon rise up and say, lets go Third Party and take half of the left half of the right and all the Independents along with them and create the biggest and the most popular political block that has ever existed, the influential decision makers at the left, you shouldnt fight the Progressives this actively as you do, if you lose this base you have lost everything, cant you see that ????? we have to look after those who are struggling most first !! we cant just write stimulus cheques to your own friend like Mr Trump is doing right now, these small businesses are actually unlike these much larger companies are paying their fair share of taxes yet received nothing while these well financed larger companies that are not paying their fair share gett all more of the goodies, this cant be right, so the problem identified here are the corporates in both parties, and this is what Uncle Joe HAS to stand against, this should be his legacy, Joe Biden the Healer :) 2020 btw :):)
