Speaker Nancy Pelosi: ‘What We’re Talking About Here Is Our Democracy’ |...

Its not proper to bargain with the urgent wellbeing of the people right now under this stressful uncertain times over 200 dollars or 600 dollars, we know Mr Trump to show off give 100 dollar tips in front of many camera teams to record this historic moment when Mr Trump was generous one in his life, and thats with scores of people around, so 200 dollars for rich people is considered pocket change and these rich lawmakers do not want o offer more than 200 dollars for each family and expect they would do it through the month, I mean these people have balls I tell you, I believe 600 dollars for a whole family over 30 days is just too little to have an effect, if you double that to over 1199 dollars then they could make it somehow, I would suggest something around 2000 dollars would do the trick, and you are arguing actually ten times less than that, you cant be serious, agree on 600 dollars then after that we have to see if we can get up to 1200 if this economic mess Mr Trump has created goes away or not, the country is in enormous pain right now lets not make it Mr Make Everything Worse, damn, thats a long nickname, you have to do better than that :)
