The new space race between the United States, China, and the United Arab...

Aaahhh good old space, we have to do that again ;) so a man mission to Mars is at 2030 ? I am ready baby right now I am ready when will NASA contact me to schedule for my training or with SpaceX doesnt matter but we have to get there first, and we will, nobody can beat us.

I do want to say this to the good Chinese people thou, I wish we could do this together and with the good people of Russia as well, we should all plant our flags together there but in my view there is a slight problem here and I am speaking to the good Chinese people here, the true flag of China is NOT the current one you have, because deep down you are not slaves to a communist cult ruling over you now, the Chinese people are not communists, they are children of Adam as well born to be free, its your God given right, to be free, this communist flag of yours is not the legacy to leave behind, you are worth much more than this, this flag of yours was imposed on you not long ago by a group of people, a cult, and history has shown, all these bad rulers and their cult their group will eventually fall, communism is a clear example of this, if it was something to be looked up to, why has it failed and collapsed all across the world already in your own life times, so you see, its flawed I dont have to tell you that, you know this, today you are ruled over by a bunch of communists, tomorrow sertantly by something else, another ideology, shall they then also plant their particular cult flag over your country ? it wouldnt be right, so its better that all you good Chinese choose an everlasting flag of yours that can withstand time and its challenges, because you know like Russia they were also forced by the expectations of historical events in search of something better the Russians were also forced to replace their communist flag to something more respectable, China will get there too eventually, so you can understand why these three flags cannot cooperate in things like space exploration, because we know the flag that the communists wants to place on another respectable planetary body is an insult to that heavenly body, lets see how that will work out now, but if the flag truly represented the good Chinese people, that body would have felt honored to have you there, there are many things many people have got wrong about space, for once its far from being empty, we are being observed and were so from the first moment the two first humans were sent here, I hope you dont think those forces are inactive today just sitting there do you, I hope not, we are NOT alone and never were, I am convinced that the top ranks in the CCP are luciferians, they know everything yet they chose the path of Evil, I place my trust in God over any of these arrogant dummies, if I were you Chinese, I would have designed a new flag representing you better, good luck.
