Tiffany Cross and Whoopi Goldberg Discuss Joe Biden’s Potential Running ...

 I have earlier said Sen Warren would strategically be a better choice because black sister would trusted her to look into issues the black community are raising because Sen Warren is a no nonces terminatorine thats the term for female terminators she is Sarah Connor, anyways, thats the person she is, but I also understand the black folks, what they are saying, we have lived in America for 400 years and its about damn time we have a black female vice president in office, and how could one disagree with that, I cant, it makes perfect sense and there are many qualified to choose from today, for me it doesnt matter that way but I want Mr President Biden choose one that will excite people to vote for, I would have picked Sen Warren to be sure, or best of all, VP Bernie Sanders :):) it doesnt need to be a woman at all, just imagine what a Biden Sanders administration could have done hmmmmm, Lord mercy :)
