Ashura Jaloos in New York City | August 23rd, 2020

I unlike others,I have the right to criticize these Shias, after all I grew up with these lunies for a couple of decades, I know them I know their ideology and I know what they stand for, here are my problems with it, lets take it from the beginning, first of all, God has clearly state not to divide in sects because this is the will of the Devil, so thats first, then the second question question with the Shias is, sure the tyrants of the past who were NOT Sunnis because the sect of Sunnism came on three hundred years later, people need to know this, what the mollas has done is in order to keep this sect they have created by the will of Satan !! is to keeping nailing and picking on a group that is the modern days Sunnism telling people that they killed our Imam they are guilty they are the bad guys and we the Shias are the good guys fighting evil and opposing tyranny, with this move the mollas who instigated this conspiracy did it to keep a firm grip of this Shia business, because like any other organized religion, its all about business, its about making money, and I have to say this, when you see these mollas cry on Ashura beating themselves acting like lunatics, I have seen them "cry" and I must say this, its the worst kind of acting on display that is not even convincing, its all fake, fake fake fake ! its all a show from the mollas side, then we have their performers among their audience that are pushing people to involve themselves in these satanic beating and blood rituals, my question has always been, what these shia mollas and followers are doing, has it further drive the Muslims apart or united them, the answer is,of course its meant to divide people further, and whos benefits most of this, its Evil of course, beating yourself for a man that died thousand years ago is NOT the proper way of mourning, its not even mourning, it is a satanic blood and pain ritual, we should have laws against people beating themselves in public like this, they should not be allowed on our streets for people to see in how bad shape society is in, but I guess when we have these gay parades with naked demon looking fanatics marching our streets then why shouldnt we allow other lunatics beating themselves bloody on the streets as well, the truth is, the world has gone crazy itself, and with all these different cults running around imagine in the future all these cults marching the streets for days on end and each of them with their own cult leader further trying to divide us for their own personal benefits, because you better know again, its all about business for these self serving cult leaders, and power and sex and then it just goes downhill I can tell you, there is no sanity left, but as a start, I suggest with right and sound legislation like banning public self beatings and blood rituals, they can do it in their homes or whatever but in public, people shouldnt have to see how crazy the Shia ideology is,or wth, have it on display so people can see how crazy and backward they are.

To another thing, do you friends remember the Supreme Whorte of the Shia molla movement just a few years ago when things were going his way and he felt emboldened enough to write to the youth of the West with words of advice ? lol remember that, now that rat has so much problems right now that the loser must have forgotten to write a new message lol a couple of years ago that filthy criminal thug thought he was succeeding, but look at him now, he is scared out of his mind that for the rest of his life he and his family members and cult leaders will spend the rest of his life in a deep hole under ground for him to live out whats left his life in, in a deep hole where he will crap and eat in a very small diameter hole, he basically will only be able to stand in it, a meter in diameter is more than he deserve.

I urge the true Muslims NOT to participate in this molla satanic blood and pain ritual, it has nothing to do with Islam, its forbidden to self harm yourselves in any shape or fashion, even tattooing is self harm, because this body of yours is does NOT belong to you, its NOT yours, you were given the custodianship over it for a while you are here and you need to return it to its owner that is the Creator in the best shape possible, if you understand the philosophy behind this then you are on the right path I would say, so we are not even allowed to permanently pain this body of ours, I NOT saying I am perfect, none of us are, but if we want true salvation, you need at least to get the basics right, that this world has an Owner that everything in it belongs to, the only thing that truly belong to you and me and to all of us, is the natural course and consequences of our deeds and actions, thats the only thing that is ours and ours alone, everything else belongs to the Creator of the Heavens and everything below it.

I will continue criticizing the Shia molla movement for as long as I live, and I wont rest till their top leaders are facing corruption charges, no one will have a free pass if I can help it, this has to stop, and with Gods help, Irans and the Iraqi and the Lebanese in fact any molla and their agents will come to face justice, Amen to that.
