Belarus protests | Families of security forces getting death threats

Ohh poor Lukashenkos well paid security forces, nobody wants to hear their side but Soviet Today a loyal friend of autocrats around the world, just take a good look what regimes they stand behind, Assad the Mass Killer of Syria, the criminal mollas in Iran in Syria in Iraq in Lebanon, then we have some Latin American crazies long side anyone really any warlords out there, I have to say this about Maduro of Venezuela, there are rumors that he is producing hard drugs like heroin and cocaine to send around the world to make up for some loss revenue, I dont know if the rumors are true or not, what I do know is that the molla regime is definitely involved the global drug trade, look guys, one has to be incredibly God fearing as a regime to pass the opportunity to make billions of dollars in the illegal drug trade, and I do not, in fact I know the mollas never passed the opportunity to continue what the Shahs and his sister were doing before they got overthrown, I have told you friends, the Shahs sister was the one directing anything that had to do with the thousands tones of Afghan heroin that passes through Iran to the west, all these are on records no one talks about, and talk about karma, the same heroin took two of the Shahs own children, and nobody talks about that, wonder why, the point I am making is that, for certainty the mollas has taken over this criminal enterprise, today the mollas even produce synthetic drugs in Iran and distribute it to the sousanding countries like Iraq, so why would the news of Madoro come as a surprise of him too producing illegal drugs, I am not very surprised to be honest, its probably true.

Look friends, giving you terrible news from the Dark Side and informing you of the facts you were not aware of, giving you such dyster news constantly all the time is not something I like to do either, forget about the physical dangers I dont care about that, truth of the matter is, even if I didnt get allowed to say this right now or at any time, even if they caught me and restricted me, doesnt matter what they do, the fact is when I after that get the opportunity to start all over again, I would, I definitely would, in the case of the mollas and one of the reasons I am at them in this manner is because, remember, they abducted me as a child, brought me to that hellhole they mollas has created and more than just enslaved me and many other things, medical things that I will talk more about, things they did these sons of whores and male prostitutes these monkey ass mollas, beside all this, they kind of brainwashed me to believe I am one of these scums, that I am one of them, but they actually never saw me as one of them still, so they and their allies like hezbola cult members and help from Swedish luciferians that has conspired countless of times to poison me to have me assassinated to shame me in every way they could, if YOU think I am going to let these whores get away with it, you are dreaming, I will as I have said for five years not, this is NOT something that will be forgiven or forgotten, there is no way around it, justice WILL get a firm grip of this world once again after a very very long time, and on that day, mankind will finally be free to make its own decisions how people will go about their lives, first I say we must hurt their pockets, the best way is to decriminalize all drugs the way I have explained, this is the best way to get back at them, they are keeping us sick keeping us down with these drugs making us weaker distracted while they are building up their global criminal syndicate this should not be a partisan issue just like health care and poverty, these are the issues that has affected everyone, we are all suffering from it, why cant we just unite around to top five issues and vote unanimously, lets get a few things right in this country first, if you do not have the brain capacity to realize, if we do not solve just a couple of issues, not that many just a handful of issues regardless of party affiliations, the my brother and sister, I feel sorry for you, there is a sickness in this body and I have told you, it has to be removed !!!
