Biden Delivers Remarks On Trump Policies, Agenda | NBC News

I heard more truths in five minutes of Uncle Joes speech here than I heard in 10 hours of RNC commercial ads or whatever it was, those who have not decided to whom to vote for should take a moment and listen and compare these two candidates, one constantly lies in fact do nothing but lying and Joe Biden a man with almost no scandals after 50 years in office a family man a man of faith is the other options at your service, the man as been at your service for 50 years and while in the WH, look I couldnt say it better than Uncle Joe said himself, the Obama administration inherited a collapsing economy, and thats a fact, and made it the leading economy again, and as record has shown, whatever Mr Trump inherits, he drives it with no brakes down hill hoping and hope for the best, but because he is a good seller with a brand, banks keep bailing him out time after time, you know how many lifetimes Mr Trump has to work to pay off his debt ??? lets say more than nine, but the issue here is, private banks can do whatever the hell they want, this time we are talking about not just a bank or two, Mr Trump made a Biblical mess, look not many leaders can successfully lead 200 000 of his own people to death, I mean its not easy to manage that much domestic devastation being a president, the Vietnam war lead to 70 000 deaths, this one in just six months not ten years but in six months managed to take the lives of three times more than the Vietnam deaths on this side and millions of innocent Vietnamese deaths, look friends, Uncle Joe is the Kennedy of this time, you need to vote him into office, and he is not a Super Lefty either, he is Uncle Joe, he will keep everyone happy, I promise you, you wont regret voting for Joe Biden, you will feel very happy with your choice, you will be able to sit down looking at the sunset two months from now with your wine glas in your hand feeling good you voted for Joe Biden, its gonna be a new sense of relief that you have never felt for some long time, it will be a brand new thing, its gonna be great :):)

Vote Biden Harris 2020 !
