Detainees Say They Are Being “Treated Like Animals” in Belarus

Lukashenko must be arrested and be treated the same.

I think this should be the law of the planet, autocrats dictators warlords these criminals should be arrested and then make them feel the same treatment they inflicted on others, and all this in public, the whole world need to see what happens when you brutally go after innocent freedom seeking people, their own people, so the same things should happen to them, you as a criminal like to beat people , ok you will get arrested and get beaten up yourself, you like dog fighting, ok we will give the pleasure to aggressive dogs to have a bite on your and see if you like it them, an eye for an eye, look guys, an eye for an eye does not mean, if a person killed one family member of someone and that family can seek revenge, it doesnt work like that, an eye for an eye means, you will be treated the same you treated others, its that simple and its very very effective, I have talked about this before, you can go back and look it up and read it through if you like, an eye for an eye applies to the one on top to the guy down on the ladder, with this you will reduce violent offences down dramatically and with decriminalizing all drugs like has been explained before then you will have a next to perfect society, here is one example, if a person hits someone in the face breaks the victims nose what will happen is, the offendent will get his nose punched just the way he did to his victim, then the defendant will get his nose fixed and let go with no other penalties attached, no financial penalties or prison time, nothing else will happen, what happens to the victim is, he will get a reasonable settlement by the state, not that much but enough, and why should the state make payouts to the victim, one reason is, with the drugs decriminalized with new laws that doesnt fill up prisons that is costing us a fortune, with violent offenses drown down to a very low level, with all these money saved, the state can in these cases make a payout to the victim, because we can afford it now, the reason I dont want the defendant to face financial penalties is because, we dont want to people to be kept down with such burdants, we need people to quickly be able to lift themselves up again and therefore the state should not be an obstacle in this, the state should instead be helpful, today the primitive way the state is legislated has become the biggest obstacle people face, its like every legislation of the past written down is to keep regular people down while others can benefit from it, but if the state would change course and be there for all people at all times, that would be a game changer, so what we have to do is to arrest all these losers and make them feel what they have inflicted on others, Lukashenko is one of those who must face justice, he must be arrested, he is a thug, and must be treated as such. 
