French President Macron calls on Lebanon to swiftly form new government

Looks like France giving its blessing to the old Lebanese warlords to continue with their systemic corruption and now with this acceptance from France, the aid money to Lebanon in waiting will be gobbled up by these same old corrupt entities, we are back where we started, I dont understand Europes love affair with these corrupt dictators and warlords in the Middle East, we know these dictators and other corrupt entities have stocked their wealth in Europe but that doesnt mean people in Europe should tolerate this criminal behavior, the mess these people are causing is why there so many immigrants in EU, it is high time for the sensible people around the world to unite under matters of fact, not propaganda that plays on our emotions, we should stand up against Corruption wherever we see it, there is no my corruption is better than your corruption, corruption is in its name, its like a burden a heavy object the sooner you get rid of will carry you longer, so we cannot accept what has been put forth, we must never compromise with warlords and cults like hezbola whos cult leader just announced he is going to randomly choose an Israeli solder and kill it, I am NOT taking ones side over the other, both are lunatics both are bad, but what many dont seems to want to get through their heads is that hezbola is actually a crime syndicate that is hiding behind a religion, look guys, because in the Middle East religion has such a big part in everything and all its cultures so it is included in everything, everything is religion but never for the sake of religion itself, because religion is and always has been something to use as a facade for anything you want to do, just wear the turban sort of say and you have legitimized even drug trade, wear a turban and you can openly register a bordello where you as a molla can write into law what they have with this temporary marriages that according to the contract signed by the prostitute and the buyer can last anything from a minute to years, so women go there to be bought to have an easy life where some fool is paying her lifestyle, then the guy the buyer can goon to have several of these bargains with several women, you can do all this in the Middle East as long as you wear a turban and bow down to Satan as your master and commander, people have done this in the Middle East for ages, it has become the glue in their many cultures, here is the thing with these people in the Middle East, there is no chance you can force them or make them go atheist, they rather go satanist over atheism, because they need to believe in something and if you continue aiding and bidding criminal regimes and lesser than them the many local warlords you are doing all of humanity including yourself a huge disservice, make them believe in a brighter future because right now as you all can see, people in the Middle East are pissed of their leaders and their are waking up, and we have to be on their side and not negotiating behind their backs with their corrupt warlords as if they were the solution to what they have caused.
