Further protests in Belarus keep up pressure on Lukashenko - BBC News

What unfortunately is happening around world is, Russia and China giving direct protection and military support in the form of Russian military being sent around the world to protect these criminal tyrants, this is of course a very dangerous move by Mr Putin, risking open gun fights like this outside their own borders in all these countries, it is visible that the world is getting divided in two camps, one is with Russia and China and the autocrats around the world and in the other camp, we have still work to do but its not to be compared with the other camp, its self evident, people are not migrating from the west to these countries, their own citizens are fleeing their crazy self serving autocratic regimes, they are crazy and they know it, and now they are even keeping the rest of their populations hostage, look guys with Russia sending security forces to other countries to safekeep tyrants is nothing new, the mollas of Iran during demonstrations bring Lebanese hezbola thugs, the mollas bring Afghans Iraqis to crack down on the Iranian people, this is how these autocrats help each other to stay in power, they have this secret order they have, so the world has been divided in two orders, this is what is happening, make no mistake of this, there are two competing orders and both are looking to bring about the next age in their image, this is whats happening, I say we have to stand with the people against their tyrannical and criminal rulers, but then of course, when you are a tyrant you fall in the category of being a corrupt criminal first, first you are an asshole then you become a bigger asshole, it is self explanatory, if you cant get that then pity you, THEY ARE A BUNCH OF CRIMINALS  !!!!
