Hillary Clinton On GOP: To Stay Silent Is To Be Complicit | Morning Joe ...

I know what I am about to say will not glue itself in the minds of all readers but one of the grave sins a Believer can commit is to spread rumors, spreading rumors can be very dangerous and destructive if the rumors are false, because it can lead to catastrophic consequences, and may God forbid lead to somebody getting killed because of the false rumors you helped spreading, and on the Day of Judgment, you will be held accountable, so you are taking a great risk when you spread rumors that could lead to someone get hurt, this is scripture guys !!

I have read the leaks in this pizzagate and I have listened to its accusers and the arguments they are making, and mainly, it has to do with some of the names of dishes in the menu of that pizzaria, that might sound a bit silly but in my view does not refer to a menu where you order what kind of child you want to order to do those things with, this is dumb its stupid these arguments are nonsense, I personally have more experience in how these pedophiles operate even in mass scale, and this theory that has been put forth does not in any shape or form resemble what I have seen, it doesnt work like that, the podophiles are very secretive bunch of demons, they wont do anything to jeopardize their criminal activities, in my experience I have been around top luciferian pedophiles that you could never imagine what dark forces harbours in their hearts to teachers in this same cult to police officers social workers members of the Swedish Parliament, you name it and I probably know about it, and the case with this pizzaria I believe its something some far right wingers on radio and some other political opponents has capitalized on to hurt their political opponents, but then we go back to scripture and what guidelines has been offered for our own good, as you know a guy took to arms to investigate the situation for himself and he was ready to shoot people he saw as suspects, he never found anything and got himself into deep trouble, he could have killed somebody and rest assured that on the Day of Judgment, the ones who intentionally spread these false rumors will be also charged with murder and will most likely be punished harder than the man who went after to stop this when he was misguided, again this is scriptures friends.

I also have experience in naming dishes, here is how it happened, when I was a teenager my stepdad, (a handler of mine) but at that time I thought the rat bastard was my actual father and by God even then I thought, this has to be impossible, he and I we are so different, I couldnt believe I was from that creature but thats another subject matter, as a teenager that guy had a grill he had just bought, so on my free time I kind of forced me to work there, and for free, what a cheap bastard, I still didnt steal from him from the register, the loser promised me a salary but like Trump never paid his employees and left people just stuck there, anyways, so what I did to fuck him up in return was to rename the names of the dishes on the menu, with names that sounded good but nobody knew what it meant but it sounded good when they forexemple wanted to order a burger, so I names all his burgers after gang members and gangs and all kinds of ridiculous stuff I could come up with, but again it sounded good but you never knew you as a customer what you were referring to in reality, so I found it very amusing when people were trying to read whats on the menu and observed their facial expressions, ok I stole a pack of cigars from that place, but he had it coming, he never paid me a penny, I never stole money but a pack of cigs and I also gave free burgers when my friends showed up, so when I read the names of pizzas in those leaks, ok it is not the names of your typical pizzas but its not referring to child molestations or anything like that, there must be a guy behind this menu messing with people and see it as something fun I dont know but if you as an intelligent person that you think you are and draw the conclusion that politicians go to this pizzeria to order kids to do those things with, you are out of your damn mind I say, if thats the bar you set if this is your criteria to spread rumors that comes to harm people and on top of that you also claim you read scripture and that it means everything for you then I feel pity for you, you have lost your way buddy long ago, I dont Hillary is one of those, I dont think Joe Biden is one of those, there are simply no evidence for it, that menu is not evidence, its a crackpot theory, it was meant to hurt their political opponents, thats all it was meant to do, not to address pedophilia among powerful people, it was more to shield them then to hurt them, in my view, I think those who initially spread it must be extremely dirty people themselves, and will go to Hell for it.
