'I would never vote for Donald Trump again, ever in my life': North Caro...

When I arrive in North Carolina with my boat of course, there I met people, boat owners and I bet most of them voted for Mr Trump, almost every single boat there had some king of Trump stickers on, and they were incredibly nice and helpful people, leave politics aside and you will find a fine human underneath all that rhetorics, and I am sure why boat owners are Trumpers, these boats are worth a bit of money not everyone can afford, so they must have doing well being business owners and they like to hear somebody wants to lower their taxes and vote for that guy, I dont blame them for that, people want to have more of what they already have, but then some of them or most of them also claim Mr Trump is a man of God, here is what we stand apart, the argument that a man that never ask for forgiveness of God because as he said, he never do anything wrong to apologize for, then we have the businesses Mr Trump ran to the ground, the casinos the strip clubs the gay clubs the fact that he has left countless of his employees without pay and always tried to cheat out of paying for the contractors he hired, then we have the maffia elements that has always been around him, then you have the 666 embedded in the architecture of the Trump Tower in NY and the fact that his son in law Kushner bought the building at 666 at 5th Ave look  I am not going to continue highlighting all these shortcomings, knowing all this and still claim Mr Trump is a man of God is something that I still cannot get my mind around, the fact that almost everything he touched he ran into the ground, six times bankruptcy !! you know what that means ?? it means, his is a failure as a businessman, he actually owns nothing, everything he owns belongs to the banks, again knowing all this and still claim his skills as a businessman is sufficient reason for him to get re elected makes no sense to not many, and the handling of the virus situation has caused so much harm to the American people and the economy that will takes long long time to recover from, then we had the Trump Shutdown before this virus that did so much harm as well, for the sake of goodness, vote Biden-Harris 2020 !
